I wanted to take some extra time to talk about this wonderful event that's taking place on September 15 all the way to the 25th, not that far in the future ladies! This auction benefits the Look Good Feel Better Organization which you can visit here. http://www.lookgoodfeelbetter.org/
The Look Good Feel Better Organization was founded in 1989 by the Personal Care Products Council Foundation, a charitable organization established by the Personal Care Products Council and it all started with just one patient! It can be quite draining emotionally and physically when you have to have treatment for cancer and one of the ways they're helping women who battle this terrible disease is to make them look better and feel better about themselves. We all know when we look fabulous gals, we feel fabulous and radiate an inner glow. This is a wonderful way to help all these diva fabu women. Join now and participate!
To learn more check out their about page and feel free to browse.
Adore Dior has teamed up with them for this wonderful auction and is offering fabulous prizes! From a unique Dior Handbag filled with amazing Dior cosmetics, to a fun filled day of beauty and fashion in New York City to our very own Elaine Biss. Win her prize and you will get a one of a kind Divalicious inspired piece of art designed just for you!!! She's one talented artist so check out her site too! How utterly fabulous!

Images copyright Adore Dior.
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