Happy Saturday peeps!
Yay for the weekend.
Well, in our case we'll be doing inventory.
Less enthusiastic yay. But, hey it's got to be done.
It's been busy & just a wee bit frustraing
with a tempermental computer and fussy email
but we trudged through it & thankfully we didn't miss
a gem in our email that just made our day!
*wink wink*
Why do we do what we do?
We put together awesome beauty potions
so you can have a fabulous day.
So you can smell sweet.
So you can feel ah-mazing.
So you can smile and pay it forward.
Basically, we do this to spread happiness around
as much as we can...because hey, who doesn't love the
kick of endorphines that a simple smile can produce.
And yes, we also do it for the money. *giggle*
A girl's got to make a living.
But for the most part we do it to make you happy.
So when we receive an email or message
from one of our peeps expressing
their happiness over our company & products
...why, it just makes me want to go all southern
and give them a warm hug while saying
"Why thank ya Darlin'!!!!"
YOU make our company rock.
Without YOU we wouldn't be here.
So without further ado...
(I'm sure you've been reading this mile long
note just waiting to get to see what I'm getting at
..... here is that fabulous...marvelous...wonderful...
utterlly heart melting testimonial from one of our wonderful peeps. Enjoy dudes!!
P.S. Have you tried our products?
Would you like your testimonial here?
Just send it on over to us & your sweet words
might be featured here on our
Awesomesauce Testimonials! *wink*
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