MUSIC ♥ Sweet Sunday Tunes - Princess Chelsea - Yulia ♥

Sunday, July 24, 2016

It's Sunday and even I sometimes have to work in the beauty lab on weekends. It can be long hard work, not all fun and games...though i do get to have fun! and what keeps me inspired is awesome music like Princess Chelsea! I love the quirkiness of her songs and videos like this one titled, "Yulia" with a kitty in the video. If you follow me on Instagram here!!... (shameless plug *wink*) you'll know I now have four precious kitties...wait, I have a new kitten so now five! some could call me a crazy cat lady...I think I've just got a whole lot of love to give them and they give it right back to me. *heart melts* If you want to see cute photos of the little furball be sure to hop on over to my instagram. *dimple* 

Enjoy your Sunday and this cute & quirky music video!
Check back because I'm working on a wishlist of pretties from the brand Reformation
They have SO many dresses I want!! 



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