Happy Friday everyone!
I've been a bit MIA for a couple of days...hey, not by choice I tell you! I had some issues with my Internet Provider unbeknownst to me that is! I thought there was something wrong with my computer and of course that meant doing the entire system over again...here's a tip lovelies...if you can't connect to the Internet and can't find any reason why it won't connect....call your Provider first **before**...the operative word being BEFORE peeps!!! ... deciding to do your system over. It turns out it wasn't on my side at all...there was a problem on their side. Sheesh!!! I say...sheesh!
OK, so well I'm finally back up, thank goodness...I was going through major withdraws peeps...major withdrawals I tell you from being away from my sweet peeps!!! lol... *wink*
Anyhoo, here I am and it's Friday which means Fashion Friday time!! What do I have in store for you today you ask? A little while ago I entered a giveaway contest for a very fabulous giveaway hosted by Hopeless Lingerie. I never thought I'd win it. I only entered it at the last moment and on a whim but guess what? I did win it! It was their 4th Birthday so let's say Happy Birthday to them shall we!! Whoo hoo! And what did I win? $200 worth of lingerie!! I know!! *wink wink*
Here's a little blurb about Gaby...that's the marvelous gal who makes all her luscious lingerie!
"Since 2008 Hopeless Lingerie has been designed and handmade in Melbourne, Australia, by Gabrielle Adamidis. Taking inspiration from such diverse places as B-grade horror films, architecture and modern art, the brand has established a strong following through innovative designs. Combining vintage aesthetics with modern comfort and convenience, Hopeless create pieces that aim to make women feel sexy and beautiful. Hopeless Lingerie can be worn on summer nights or just for special occasions, and it will take just one viewing for you to fall hopelessly in love.
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Here's what I decided to get all made by Gaby herself!
I couldn't resist the "Daria" ensemble and of course the red bralette below. Pictures are from Hopeless Lingerie just in case you wanted to know. *wink*
I was seriously considering getting this play suit but I couldn't resist that gorgeous black lace pretty! I would definitely check out Gaby's fabulous line of lingerie! Everything fit me SO perfectly and the fact that she made it herself is so fabulous!
I'm definitely HOPELESSLY IN LOVE with Hopeless Lingerie!
Awesome! Love to read :) Love the idea. Would thinking to create such post for my lingerie blog My Lingerie Magazine